Oh, now in my deep silence may
I share the work they strive to do!
Yes, through my brothers, far away,
I'll be converting sinners too!
[Therese of Lisieux on her ministry of prayer and writing.
For her it was sharing in the whole work of Christ's Kingdom]
I share the work they strive to do!
Yes, through my brothers, far away,
I'll be converting sinners too!
[Therese of Lisieux on her ministry of prayer and writing.
For her it was sharing in the whole work of Christ's Kingdom]
Two more prayers ready to publish in Prayers across the Ages 2
Morning Prayer
Lord, my God,
Thank you for a safe night of refreshing sleep.
spent in your fatherly care.
May I know the same kindness all through today,
helping me to think, speak, act and even breathe in ways
which will please you;
bring blessing to my neighbours;
and cause no harm to myself.
May all I do this day
be in line with your perfect will;
advance your glory;
fulfil your calling of me;
and help me to love all whom I meet, just as I would be loved myself.
May I be always ready for your call to serve you;
living gloriously and graciously as your child;
and at one with Jesus Christ my Lord.
After Thomas Bacon (chaplain to Archbishop Cranmer (1512 - 67)
Sunrise Prayer
Light! Truth!
Glorious God of sunrise,
You created our sun among myriad universes.
I praise you for the joy and hope of every sunrise.
Make today a new beginning for me,
leading on to richer experiences of your love.
Rivers! Oceans!
Glorious God of flowing, sparkling waters,
I praise you for tuneful, rippling streams;
for thunderous ocean waves sculpting the shoreline:
Life-giving resources.
Let the stream which is my life, join the full current of your purposes,
until I find my freedom in the ocean-like depths of your love.
Hills! Mountains!
Glorious, stable, unchanging God.
I praise you for the knowledge of your constant, never-failing grace,
embracing all creation - and me!
God! Father!
Jesus! Son!
Glorious in the midst of your creation!
I praise you for showing us your light and truth in Jesus.
He is our life-resource;
He is our eternal hope.
I will trust you through him who is my forever life;
and in whose grace I may overcome in all things.
Inspired by words from the Hindu Rig Veda
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